Overskrift <%' Begin functions declarations '********** ' GetNewWord() ' Generates a random number from 1 to 83 which it uses to ' select a line from a textfile with 83 lines of words in it. ' It then retrieves the word, converts in to uppercase, and ' returns it as its return value. '********** Function GetNewWord() Dim objFSO, objFile Dim I Dim iRandom Dim strTemp ' Get a random number between 1 and 205 inclusive Randomize() iRandom = Int(205 * Rnd + 1) 'iRandom = 5 ' A word with a space = 3, with a - = 42 ' Open file and get the line equal to the number generated Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("hangman.txt")) ' Loop till line before the one we want For I = 1 to iRandom - 1 objFile.SkipLine Next strTemp = UCase(objFile.ReadLine) objFile.Close Set objFile = Nothing Set objFSO = Nothing GetNewWord = strTemp End Function ' GetNewWord() '********** ' CalculateGuess(strWord) ' Takes the secret word as input. It checks to see if the ' word contains any spaces or dashes to include them in the ' guess since you can't guess space or dash. Returns a ' properly adjusted guess based upon the secret word. '********** Function CalculateGuess(strWord) Dim strGuess Dim I strGuess = "" If InStr(1, strWord, Chr(32), 1) Or InStr(1, strWord, Chr(45), 1) Then For I = 1 to Len(strWord) Select Case Asc(Mid(strWord, I, 1)) Case 32 strGuess = strGuess & " " Case 45 strGuess = strGuess & "-" Case Else strGuess = strGuess & "_" End Select Next Else strGuess = String(Len(strWord), "_") End If CalculateGuess = strGuess End Function ' CalculateGuess() '********** ' CalculateGuess(strWord, strGuess, strLetter) ' Takes the secret word, the current state of the guess, and ' the guessed letter as input. It updates the guess to ' include all occurances of the guessed letter. It returns ' the guess containing the new letter. Only needs to be ' called when the letter is in the secret word. '********** Function UpdateGuess(strWord, strGuess, strLetter) Dim strTemp strTemp = "" For I = 1 to Len(strWord) If Mid(strWord, I, 1) = strLetter Then strTemp = strTemp & strLetter Else strTemp = strTemp & Mid(strGuess, I, 1) End If Next UpdateGuess = strTemp End Function ' UpdateGuess() ' End functions declarations %> <%' Begin run-time code Dim iDeath Dim strWord, strGuess Dim aLetters Dim strLetter Dim strTemp Dim I 'Get all values from Session and QueryString for processing speed iDeath = Session("Death") strWord = Session("Word") strGuess = Session("Guess") aLetters = Session("LettersArray") strLetter = Request.QueryString("letter") ' Get a new word and init variables if no guess or dead ' otherwise check letter submitted against array and secret word If strLetter = "" or iDeath > 5 Then strWord = GetNewWord() strGuess = CalculateGuess(strWord) iDeath = 0 aLetters = Array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) Else ' Set Letter in array to checked If 65 <= Asc(strLetter) AND Asc(strLetter) <= 90 Then aLetters(Asc(strLetter) - 65) = 1 elseif Asc(strLetter) = 198 Then aLetters(Asc(strLetter) - 172) = 1 elseif Asc(strLetter) = 216 Then aLetters(Asc(strLetter) - 189) = 1 elseif Asc(strLetter) = 197 Then aLetters(Asc(strLetter) - 169) = 1 End If ' If letter guessed is in the secret word then update guess ' otherwise increase death amount by 1 If InStr(1, strWord, strLetter, 1) Then strGuess = UpdateGuess(strWord, strGuess, strLetter) Else iDeath = iDeath + 1 End If End If %>
<% Response.Write "" %>
<% ' Display Gallows Image based on death amount 'Response.Write "

" & vbCrLf ' Debugging Outputs 'Response.Write "Word:" & strWord & vbCrLf & "

" 'Response.Write "Guess:" & strGuess & vbCrLf & "

" 'Output Guess using black letter images For I = 1 to Len(strGuess) If LCase(Mid(strGuess, I, 1)) = " " Then Response.Write " " Elseif LCase(Mid(strGuess, I, 1)) = "æ" Then Response.Write " " Elseif LCase(Mid(strGuess, I, 1)) = "ø" Then Response.Write " " Elseif LCase(Mid(strGuess, I, 1)) = "å" Then Response.Write " " Else Response.Write " " End If Next Response.Write "

" & vbCrLf ' Check to see if Dead. If so output sorry and display word. ' If not then check to see if the word is right. If so then ' output congrats. In both of these cases, set to dead so ' nothing weird happens if the come back or try and continue ' guessing manually. ' If neither of the above then output the alphabet letters ' so the player can continue guessing, but only letters they ' haven't yet clicked should be clickable, others are red. If iDeath >= 5 Then Response.Write "Den frivillige er druknet! Ordet var: " & LCase(strWord) & "
" Response.Write "Vil du prøve igen?

" iDeath = 6 Else If strGuess = strWord Then Response.Write "Tillykke du gættede rigtigt: " & LCase(strWord) & "
" Response.Write "Vil du prøve igen?

" iDeath = 6 Else ' Loop through alphabet Chr(65) = A and Chr(90)=Z For I = 65 to 77 If aLetters(I - 65) = 0 Then Response.Write "" Else Response.Write "" End If Next Response.Write "
" & vbCrLf For I = 78 to 90 If aLetters(I - 65) = 0 Then Response.Write "" Else Response.Write "" End If Next 'Medtag lige ÆØÅ I = 198 If aLetters(I - 172) = 0 Then Response.Write "" Else Response.Write "" End If I = 216 If aLetters(I - 189) = 0 Then Response.Write "" Else Response.Write "" End If I = 197 If aLetters(I - 169) = 0 Then Response.Write "" Else Response.Write "" End If Response.Write "
" & vbCrLf End If End If ' Put all values back into Session for storage Session("Death") = iDeath Session("Word") = strWord Session("Guess") = strGuess Session("LettersArray") = aLetters %>